Wednesday, September 30, 2009

For who hasn't Photoshop in his PC, like me.

If you are familiar with Photoshop, you can find something like that here, but online! Can you imagine online Photoshop? And if you aren’t familiar with Photoshop, I should say that it is a powerful software, which makes you able to do anything on pictures.

I suggest you try PIXLR.COM
Thanks for Hamed!


Because after today some of my posts will be republish in L.E.T Blog, I prefer to write some posts related to social networking, social learning , open learning, social cognitivism, web 2.0 learning environment and something else are may related to our L.E.T Project.

This is an easy to use and useful document from Mindy McAdams under Creative Commons license. This article tries to introduce very essential and useful tools and links for who wants to publish their content with digital technology and. From reading blogs and using RSS, start a blog, listen to podcasts, publish your sounds and shoot your picture up to some especial skills journalists need.

Now I’m influenced with this paper and I try to finish it. I hardly suggest it to you. It can help you if you want to start blogging and totally publishing digital content in web.
